
Impacting People Globally

Globally, there are billions of people who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. God has called LHM to proclaim the risen Savior around the world to reach these people.

For decades, LHM has shared Christ’s love with the world through a proven approach of identifying and equipping local laypeople to build their presence and impact using specific strategies and tactics contextual to the culture and language in which they serve.

Further building on that model, LHM is investing in a new approach to global ministry expansion with the development of coordinated ministry activities through centralized regional locations that share media, creative, and strategic services to allow for globally dispersed ministry impact. The catalyst is a new program called the International Internship Program, which provides new ministries in the form of internship teams identified and developed through existing ministry center hubs.

Over the next five years, LHM envisions a multidivisional global mission rooted in localized regional leadership. This will be paired with a new evangelistic ministry model based on LHM’s core outreach philosophies to be applied in all regions around the world – resulting in strengthened local ownership, revenue generation, and constituent engagement. Ultimately, these plans will allow LHM to not only increase our focus on North America as a mission field, but reach more people around the world with the hope and comfort of the Gospel.

Impacting People Right Where They Are

What if every Christian saw his or her neighbor as a gift from God with gifts to share? How would that change how we view, interact with, and serve our neighbors? 

During a time when people are searching for hope, community is more important than ever. LHM is answering the question, “How can I bring hope to my neighborhood?” We can use our individual gifts to make a real difference right where we are, among the neighbors we know and those we have not yet met but see every day.

If history is an indicator, God could use our good deeds to gain a hearing for the Gospel and, according to His will, draw our non-Christian neighbors to the faith. This concept is really nothing new for us at LHM. Gathering at the local level and building genuine relationships with people close to us have been in the DNA of our organization since our inception more than a century ago. This 21st century approach will allow us to bring people together in an age of division while sharing the Gospel both in word and deed.

Understanding our giftedness and using those gifts to bless others can build strong connections with those around us. It is exciting to think about the impact of millions of Christians loving their neighbors. Together, we can make it a reality.