Impacting People Through Digital Engagement

The world today is increasingly shaped and connected by the internet. As people become more present online, God’s people are finding ways to share the Gospel in this space. 

LHM is once again a pioneering force for good in this realm as we proclaim the Name of Jesus to people around the world. As the digital mission field continues to grow, emerging technologies offer unique opportunities to communicate with audiences in a broad variety of ways, with content that is specific to the individual platforms on which people are engaging. 

The digital mission field is new and exciting—but also challenging. So was radio. So was television. LHM has been at the forefront of using innovative technologies like these to share the Good News throughout its more than 105-year history, and we are eager to engage in this place at this time because never before has the opportunity existed to reach the entire world with the Gospel. 

LHM maximizes its online presence today through websites, social media platforms, and apps to expand its reach of sharing the Good News with new audiences of individuals who may have never heard about the transformative love of our Savior. This continued focus on digital engagement worldwide is rapidly increasing the capacity for the priesthood of all believers to connect more and more souls to the saving message of Christ.