Sharing the Good News in Mexico 

Sharing the Good News in Mexico 

From their office in one of the world’s most populated cities (Mexico City), staff and volunteers of LHM–Mexico reach out with Christ’s message of hope through several holistic and digital programs. 
One of its most successful outreach activities is the BREAD program in Matamoros. Each week over the past nine years, LHM staff and volunteers have partnered with Pastor Omar Garza and his congregation members to deliver a meal to around 150 people in need. The meal is part of a two-hour program that includes Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and the sharing of LHM materials.  

The team also hosts a health brigade offering services like health checks, medical certifications, alternative therapy, dental cleanings, and haircuts while sharing the Gospel with participants.  

Thematic workshops held in churches and schools throughout the country open doors to share Christ’s love with parents, students, and teachers: 

  • Using the LHM booklet, Full-time Woman, as a framework, one session focuses on motherhood and forms of parenting, along with the importance of vocation within the family and society. Through integrated activities and interaction, the topic is delivered from a biblical viewpoint, sharing God’s will and blessings with attendees.  
  • “Teaching My Children to Express Their Emotions” and “How to Understand My Adolescent Child” are presented from a functional point of view and offer a perspective of Christian values. A series of presentations titled, “Wounds of Childhood,” point to the types of challenges that are caused by various aspects of education at home. LHM staff and volunteers emphasize how parents or guardians influence a child’s future, and they highlight the importance of finding healing for those wounds in God’s Word.  
  • “The Role of the Man in the Family” highlights responsibilities as fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, husbands, and friends, based on God’s Word. It includes interactive activities and fellowship time.  

LHM–Mexico is also active on social media, especially through Facebook, YouTube, and LHM’s highly successful regional platform, On YouTube and Facebook, a series of presentations regarding betrayal was requested by viewers and discussed the causes, consequences, and ways to detect and avoid this troubling trait. Audiences are finding relief and peace in Christ through the content.  
We are thankful for the committed team in Mexico as it fulfills LHM’s mission under the Lord’s guidance.