Online Inroads to the Lives of Spanish Speakers

Online Inroads to the Lives of Spanish Speakers

Omar from Bogotá, Colombia, was suicidal when he came across LHM’s Para el Camino website and reached out to LHM staff on Facebook Messenger. He made text contact with Beatriz Hoppe, coordinator for Hispanic ministry at LHM. The rest is about networks and relationships.

Hoppe contacted Pastor Fester from LHM–Argentina. He coordinates volunteers through, a digital platform offering relevant topical content for Portuguese- and Spanish speaking individuals. Fester contacted Julyssa, a counselor with LHM—Mexico. She called Omar for more information and crisis management.

Fester then called Pastor Marín in Medellín, who connected with a colleague in Bogotá who—per Julyssa’s recommendations located Omar and got him help at a medical clinic. Once on the ground with Omar, this distraught man was encouraged to receive the care he needed. He is now regaining his physical and emotional health and has found employment.

He passed this note on to those who helped him: “Thanks to God and to you. This is what I can now do with great love.” Omar’s case highlights the global, yet personal way one-on-one ministry is happening through LHM’s ministry efforts.